๐ŸŽฏ ๐Ÿ”— Local PR: Topic Experts Looking for Local Publishers [06/20/2024]

Find Topic Experts to Connect With Below



Here are the latest queries from topic experts who are looking for publishers.

Topic experts listed below may be interested in one or more of the following:

  1. Contributing content to your website
  2. Reviewing content that someone else wrote for accuracy and providing edits
  3. Providing an expert quote that can be added to your content

Contact them directly below via email.

Medical Weight Loss in Palm Beach, FL performed by Gabrielle Radabaugh NP, owner of Beyond Concierge Healthcare. We help our patients lose weight and keep it off using science, nutrition, diet and exercise. We can write articles on weight loss, cosmetic surgery, Botox, hair restoration, and more.

Request Details: Looking for blogs and websites focusing on Concierge Primary Care, Mobile IV Therapy, Medical Weight Loss Programs, Telehealth, Aesthetics & Beauty Procedures, BOTOXยฎ, Infertility Care, life-hacks and more.

Website: https://beyondhealthcarefl.com/

Website Niche: Personal Training

Website Location: Florida

Target Publish Date: 12/31/2024

Contact Mike Stevens via email here to connect: mike@studio47webdesign.com

Refinishing Tubs, Tile, Countertops, Cabinets and more can save as Portland homeowners, Apartments, Hotels and others as much as 90% compared to replacement. Renew-It has 30 years experience in refinishing and can offer an excellent article on thos subject.

Request Details: Looking for blogs and websites focusing on home improvement, home design, decorating, money saving tips, etc…

Website: https://renewitrefinishing.com/

Website Niche: Construction

Website Location: Oregon

Target Publish Date: 12/31/2024

Contact Mike Stevens via email here to connect: mike@studio47webdesign.com

Want to post your own request? Publishers can post their request for a topic expert here. And topic experts can post their request to connect with local publishers here.

Remember that we don’t manage the back and forth between the publishers the topic experts. You will need to work out a deal together that is fair, and respectful. The general guidelines are that the topic expert provides content and / or expertise in exchange for proper attribution (aka a backlink) on the publisherโ€™s website.

If you feel that someone is abusing this process or is spamming the newsletter, please report this to dani@localpr.com.

– Dani Owens // Local PR

PS – Make sure to whitelist dani@localpr.com so that my emails don’t go to your spam folder.