Got questions about CONTENTAMIGO products and services? We’ve got answers.

How much does it cost?
Content prices range from $75-$850 each depending on content length. See our content pricing here.
Who writes your content?
At this time, all content is written by writers from North America.
Do you use AI to write content?
Absolutely not! All of our content is manually written by the hands and brains of humans only.
Will the content pass a plagiarism test?
Yes, guaranteed!
Do I get revisions?
Yes, you may have up to two revisions per article.
Can I also get images?
Yes, you get one free stock image with every Content order.
Can you publish the articles on my site for me?
Not at the moment, but we will be adding this feature in the future.
Do you offer discounts?
Yes, if you subscribe to a monthly plan, you save 10%. If you become a white label partner you also get 10% off each order.
Do you offer white label content services?
Yes, if you have at least 50 pieces of content per month, we can offer you white label services. Learn about our white label content services here.
What's the difference between Great Content and Next-Level Content?
You can see the difference on our content pricing page. But in a nutshell, Great Content does not include SEO recommendations or Clearscope optimization, while Next-Level Content does.
Can we use our own content briefs and order just copywriting from you?
Not at this time. Our team is a well-oiled machine and all our processes are based on our Content Brief template.
Can you make us content briefs with a special / custom template?
Not at this time, sorry!
Is the CONTENTAMIGO website down (contentamigo.com)?
You can view the status of the CONTENTAMIGO website here.
Is the CONTENTAMIGO order management system down (my.contentamigo.com)?
You can view the status of the CONTENTAMIGO order management system here.